Umrah is an unmatched faith revival, personal transformation, and spiritual up-building journey. Once in the holy city of Makkah, you will experience exceptional serenity and spirituality.
From the symbolic house of Allah Almighty, the sacred Kaabah, to all the other religious sites in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, every place is a source to refresh your faith. Moreover, the rewards of Umrah and its impact on personal transformation cannot be denied.
Allah Almighty has allowed the believers in Islam to be closer to Him and ask for His countless blessings. Therefore, this spiritual journey impacts the pilgrim’s soul and motivates them to become better people and Muslims.
So, if you have finally gotten the chance to embark on this spiritual journey through affordable Umrah deals, you must know about the effects it will have on you.
Significance and Rewards of Umrah
Umrah is the most widely performed Sunnah because of its numerous worldly and other-worldly benefits. Many Quranic verses and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explain the significance and rewards of this pilgrimage. Here are some significant rewards of Umrah;
Forgiveness of All Mortal Sins
Umrah is an excellent source of forgiveness for Muslims. The pilgrims become Allah Almighty’s guests and ask for forgiveness for all their mortal sins.
According to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), a person who performs Umrah following all the rules without harming anyone will have all their sins forgiven. Also, the reward of Umrah is no less than paradise itself.
Eradication of Poverty
One of the significant benefits of Umrah is that it helps eradicate poverty from the pilgrims’ lives. As the pilgrims spend their wealth to travel to Allah Almighty’s house, He ensures they no longer have to worry about money.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that Umrah is responsible for shedding poverty, and sins like impurities are cleared from the iron.
Reward Equivalent to Jihad
Jihad is one of Islam’s noblest and most rewarding acts of worship. The rewards of Umrah are equivalent to that of Jihad, which makes it one of the most beneficial Sunnah.
According to Hazrat Ayesha (RA), the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW), whoever leaves his house to perform Hajj or Umrah and dies on the way will not be held accountable on the day of judgement. Allah will ask that person to enter paradise directly.
Impact of Umrah on Personal Transformation
Before you begin the spiritual journey, you must know about Umrah and its impact on personal transformation.
Gives You Spiritual Rebirth
Umrah is known to provide a spiritual rebirth to the pilgrims who perform it with their hearts by following all the rules and rituals perfectly. The spirituality surrounding the Holy Kaabah, the Prophet’s Mosque and other religious sites in the region is enough to give Muslims goosebumps.
It enables you to feel closer to Allah Almighty and Islam. Once you return from your Umrah, you will see a transformation in your faith and spirituality. You will feel the urge to continue doing the deeds to be closer to Allah Almighty.
Urge to Become a Better Muslim
After you have become Allah Almighty’s guest and have experienced the serenity and spirituality of the holy cities, you will feel yourself urging to become a better Muslim. Once you have performed your Umrah with a pure heart, following the rules, you can believe that your past sins might be forgiven.
Therefore, you can follow the right path and avoid committing as many sins as possible once you are back. This is the type of personal transformation you will see after performing this pilgrimage.
Humbles the Pilgrims
Millions of Muslims are present simultaneously in the Haram performing Umrah. People of all skin colours and social statuses are equal in the eyes of Allah Almighty and are completing the Umrah on the same grounds.
Everyone is a guest of the Almighty, and there is no discrimination. Seeing such diverse crowds of Muslims performing the rituals of Umrah humbles the Muslims. Therefore, they try to avoid bias even when they are back home, transforming their personalities.
Increased Knowledge of Islamic History
The holy cities of Makkah and Madinah have numerous places that increase your knowledge about Islamic history.
It enables you to feel closer to Islam and its history. Therefore, you will see a significant change in your personality with this knowledge once you are done with your Umrah.
Umrah is a spiritual journey that enables Muslims to ponder their religion and be closer to Allah Almighty. It also plays a significant role in the personal growth and transformation of the pilgrims. Once you have performed, you will see changes in yourself—especially related to your faith and religion and your urge to become a better person.
Choose a trusted Islamic travel agency to help you plan your Umrah. It enables you to have a more memorable Umrah journey. Also, remember to learn as much as possible about Umrah and its impact on personal transformation.