Here are the 9th Class English Guess Paper 2024. ✨Sr# Paragraphs Lesson
1 The period of waiting had…… 1
2 When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was thirty… 1
3 In the fifth and sixth…… 1
4 The revelation of the divine……. 1
5 Since this belief was ……… 1
6 Patriotism means love for……… 2
7 Patriotism gives people strength…… 2
8 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali……. 2
9 Teacher: OK, as we have decided……. 3
10 Student 1: Media helps……… 3
11 The preparation for this journey…… 4
12 Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafa…. 4
13 Hazrat Asma will always remain…… 4
14 During the early and difficult……. 6
15 The whole journey of the great……. 6
16 The ideology of Pakistan was…… 6
17 Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong……. 6
18 Today the Quaid’s Pakistan is……… 7
19 Blue Mosque reflects the architecture…… 7
20 The upper level of the interior is…… 7
21 The most important element in……. 7
22 The Masjid has a specious………. 7
23 In the evening, a large number……. 7
24 I was upset. The advice to leave……. 9
25 She and her family had entered……. 9
25 I continued to work on Hira…… 9
26 Drug addiction is really a very…… 10
27 Drug addiction is caused by……… 10
28 Noise pollution is defined as any….
29 Another source of noise pollution….
30 Noise pollution not only causes……
31 In stories, the doomed hero is usually….
32 This day I should devote……..
33 How was it possible, I asked……..
- Now and then, I have……
✨ Answer the following Questions.
What type of land Arabia is?
For which ability were the Arabs famous?
What was the first revelation?
Where is Makkah situated?
Why was Quran sent in Arabic?
What is the highest military award of Pakistan?
How will you define patriotism?
What are the qualities of a patriot?
Who offers for the country?
As a citizen of Pakistan what are your duties towards your country?
What are the two major means of communication?
How does media provide entertainment?
What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
What type of information does media provide?
What is the most important function that media performs?
Why was Abu Jehil furious?
Why was Abu Quhafa worried?
How did Hazrat Asma console her grandfather?
Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A.)?
What message do you get from the life of the whole nation?
Why did Quaid want the oneness of whole nation?
How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?
How can we become a strong nation?
What was the Quaid’s concept of our nation?
What can be the possible solution to our present problems?
Who was appointed as architect of the Masjid?
Who constructed Masjid Sophia?
How does the interior of Masjid look?
Why Sultan Ahmad Masjid is also known as Blue Masjid?
Where is the royal room situated?
What is an ICU in a hospital?
Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her?
Describe some qualities of the nurse.
Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor’s point of view?
What are the effects of drug addiction?
What are the causes of drug addiction?
What is the role of counseling in preventing drug addiction?
Are drug addicts aware of the dangers of drugs?
How do you define noise pollution?
How is transport a source of noise pollution?
Why noise hazardous for human health?
Why has she no time to waste in longings?
Who was Helen Keller?
Why makes you that the author is sad and depressed?
✨ Words/Phrases/Idioms.
Century, Nationalism, Companion, Specious, Conquest, Supreme, Refuge, Humality, Delegation, Invasion, Quietly, Embolish, Urge, Geared up, Gave away, Flamboyant, Ignorance, Global village, Solitude, Monument, Responsible, Constructive role, Bits and pieces, Gradually, Influential, To keep an eye, Man in the street, State. Determines, Entertain, Raising spirit, Miserable, Verge, Impact, all a prey, Care, Sacrifice, MAd with anger, Pass through, Commendable, Fit of fury, Impressive, Perilous, Properity, Reveal the secret, Dexterously, Aptitude, Motherland, Migration, Specious, Damage.
Write a letter to your
mother who is worried about your health.
father asking about the health of your mother.
mother about the test you have just taken.
brother about the importance of science subjects.
father requesting him to send you some extra funds.
sister thanking her for a gift.
friend condoling her for a gift
✨ Important stories
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Greed is a curse
Haste makes waste
Never tell a lie
The boy who cried wolf
✨ Question: Important Dialogues
Dialogue between teacher and student.
Dialogue between two students regarding prayers.
Dialogue between a brother and a sister.
✨ Important comprehension
Once a stag was………….
King Robert Bruce……………
For three years……………….
Newspapers keep us…………
Early rising is a……………
One day, a girl found……….
A tailor ran a shop……….
Musa was in chief………….
✨ Change of voice
The mother loves the children.
They are buying this house.
She gave me five films.
Why did she write such a letter?
They had gained nothing.
He will write a letter.
We shall have killed the snake.
She likes apples.
The boy is climbing the wall.
We did not hear a sound.
The board has given me a gold medal.
We use milk for making cheese.
Why is he mending the hair?
The driver opened the door of the car.
She has not beaten the dog.
She bought five video films.
She was teaching the students.
They have bought a house.
The teacher was helping the students.
Why were they beating the boys.
They have not done their job.
A car ran over an old man.
He will give you a box of chocolates.
We shall have finished our work.
He took away my books.
They caught the thief.
The boy makes the picture.
They had not done their homework.
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